On the basis of classifmg deflation into moderate deflation and harmful deflation , this paper summarized the achievements of the deflationary research , and made a thorough inquiry into the harm , cause and treatment of deflation . the paper analyzed the fallacy of composition , and pointed out that the fallacy of composition owns two characteristics of self - intensifing and mutual - promoting , which make deflation continue and aggravate . the asymmetry between individual and total is another basic characteristic owned by the fallacy of composition , which changes the economic fluctuation if the fallacy of composition develops continually 本文对“合成谬误”这一经济现象进行了初步分析,指出合成谬误具有自我强化和相互促进的特点,在经济遭受负向外部冲击的情况下,这使总有效需求累积性收缩,通货紧缩因此得以自我维持,并被不断加深;合成谬误发展的结果是引起短期内经济波动发生转换,而这正是由于合成谬误所具有的个量与总量之间存在着非对称性这一根本特征所决定的。
The fallacy of composition is a kind of " macro - market failure " , so the stabilization policy should be chosen by the state . also , the paper analyzed the economic bodies " responses and the state ' s behaviors in the deflationary environment , and studied the price fluctuations in the money angle , and finally summarized the causes of the deflation in our country , pointing out that over - investment is the main factor . several suggestions about setting up some institutional and physical infrastructure facilities are brought forward in the end 本文所做的工作还包括对通货紧缩环境中微观经济主体的反应以及政府(央行)的行为进行了分析,并从货币角度对物价变动和通货紧缩的形成作了探讨,最后对我国通货紧缩形成的原因进行了总结,认为90年代初期以来过度投资造成的生产能力相对过剩是引起我国通货紧缩的主要原因,而抑制高通胀的“双紧”政策、亚洲金融危机的冲击以及国内一系列重大改革措施的负面影响等原因,则在一定程度上提前、加剧或延长了我国的通货紧缩。